What is the typical rent for student accommodation in Montpellier ?
If you’re starting your studies in a new city then you need to find accommodation. When it comes to planning a budget and choosing student accommodation that matches both your needs and means, there are a lot of things to consider. How much does student accommodation cost in Montpellier? We have the answer
How much does student rent cost in Montpellier?
The cost of rent depends on many different things, like which city and district it’s in, the state of the building, whether there’s a lift or not, the year it was built, the size of the living space, the state of the accommodation, whether it’s furnished or unfurnished and so on. This is why real estate prices can vary from one flat to another, even in the same district.
Students in Montpellier generally opt for studios or large shared flats. According to the rent observatory, in 2017, the average rent in Montpellier was €550/month excluding bills for one-bedroom flats, across all populations. According to the head of the UNEF in Montpellier, in 2018 the total student budget amounted to an average of €874 per month. As accommodation is the main expense, student residences are in high demand because their rent is usually more affordable.
In addition to rent, you have to add expenses such as utilities (water, electricity, household waste, maintenance of common areas, etc.), purchasing furniture, home insurance, an Internet connection, agency fees for the inventory of fixtures, etc. So when you’re setting your housing budget it needs to include much more than just rent.
Students in Montpellier: how to find accommodation without breaking the bank?
Housing is obviously the first expense that comes to mind. In 2018, accommodation and public transport accounted for more than 50% of students' budgets across France. This is why new students in Montpellier should think carefully about renting their first flat or studio.
Do you pay the rent out of your own pocket? Do your parents take care of it? However you finance your accommodation, picking life in a student residence in Montpellier can make it less of a burden. These homes are already furnished and equipped, saving on moving and furniture costs too. The Nemea Beaux Art and Carré du Roi residences also include an internet connection, so you don't have to sign up for a contract with a traditional internet provider. Controlled rent with no nasty surprises, a host of services, close to the universities... a student residence is a more economical accommodation solution than a flat with an agency or a private individual.
Come and discover all the advantages of Nemea's student residences in Montpellier and submit your application directly online.
By Nahuel Pedroso - Marketing and Innovation Manager
Driven by nostalgia for my student years, I am constantly looking for information and tips to simplify students' lives. My goal is to share these discoveries to help students in their academic journey.