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What housing assistance is available for young workers?


Entering the workforce is often synonymous with independence and freedom. It is also accompanied by an awareness of the reality of the labour market and daily life. It's not always easy to be propelled into adult life, nor to assume responsibility and find your own home. This information will help those of you who feel a little lost or helpless. How to find accommodation after finishing your studies? What are the housing solutions when you're a young worker? What tips are there? What are those newly initiated into the job market entitled to?


Housing aid for young workers

Aide Personnalisée au Logement (APL), Allocation de Logement Social (ALS), Allocation de Logement Familial (ALF), and under certain conditions Aide Mobili-jeune or the Loca-Pass advance are all measures available for young people, whether they are students, apprentices, looking for a job or moving to a new job. Indeed, working people under the age of 30 can now benefit from a number of financial assistance options that increase their chances of finding a home. Lastly, young temporary workers can apply for assistance from the Fonds d'Action Sociale du Travail Temporaire (FASTT).


Premiums to help young workers find housing

In addition to housing assistance, there are other forms of financial assistance dedicated to young professionals to help them settle in easily. Indeed, Action Logement offers a 1,000 euro grant for young people in employment who meet certain eligibility criteria:

  • You must be on a fixed-term or permanent contract or work-study programme
  • You must receive no more than 1.5 times the gross minimum wage
  • The accommodation must be your main residence

The €1,000 aid scheme is changing. It is now called "Mon job, Mon logement" and one of its aims is to make it easier for young working people to live close to their place of work. In addition, this assistance is extended to workers over 25 years of age, eligible under certain conditions. All the information can be found on the Action Logement website.


Helping hand schemes to help with housing for young workers

There are several types of schemes devised for young workers to help them with housing assistance. First of all, you can be a young worker and also a student. If that is the case then you can benefit from an advance:

  • Loca-Pass (for salaried students) if you meet certain conditions:
  • You must be on a fixed-term contract for a minimum of three months
  • You must be a student trainee and/or scholarship holder

Note that the Loca-Pass is also available to employees and young people in vocational training. This is a zero-interest loan that allows you to pay the security deposit that is often requested by real estate agencies or landlords.

  • The Visale guarantee covers charges and unpaid rent, under certain conditions.
  • Mobili-jeune is a subsidy for students who work part-time in an apprenticeship or internship. It supplements the subsidy paid by the CAF for young workers' rent.
  • Mobili-pass is reserved for private-sector employees who need a helping hand to obtain a low-interest loan to finance their move within the country. Note that there is an equivalent program called Agri-Mobility for young people in the agricultural sector.

There are also specific support schemes for young people at a regional level. Contact the Conseil Regional of your place of residence for more information. For example, Nouvelle-Aquitaine et l'Occitanie offer aid in the form of advances or packages to young people in training to help them settle in and cover their accommodation costs.