What are the specifics of the rental contract for young workers in residences?
Renting a flat as a young worker can be fraught with difficulties. Everyone's situation is different depending on their age and personal or professional status. What is a young worker anyway? Who falls into this category? And finally, how does this affect their rental contract? What are the specifics? Let's take a look.
Who is classed as a young worker?
Young workers are defined as people between the ages of 15 and 29 who are apprentices, students, attending a long-term study course or independent young people. You can be a young worker without being a student. Sometimes young workers are taking care of a family, whether they live with their parents or not, there are a lot of young people in this situation. They are all different with a variety of financial situations. Moreover, for various reasons these young people have chosen or obliged to enter working life at an early age and so become financially independent. This is why, in addition to the status of young workers, the State has assistance and schemes dedicated to them. In particular, to help them find accommodation. So what's different about a rental contract for young workers? What are the specifics? Do these young people benefit from any special rights or assistance?
What are the specifics of renting a flat in a residence as a young worker?
First, it's important to know that some residences are reserved for young professionals while others are dedicated to students. However, there are mixed housing developments. As far as assistance is concerned, employees, work-study students, apprentices and young people looking for work are different from "standard" students. There is a subsidy of 1,000 euros available for young workers who have signed a work contract. This allows them to settle near their place of work. Housing subsidies such as the APL and ALS are reserved for young people wishing to move into a residence, whether they are fully employed or students. There are also specific grants in each region and the Loca-Pass advance, granted to people under 30. In addition, the Visale guarantee is aimed at young people, aged 18 to 30 looking for any kind of housing, whatever their situation.